Thursday, June 23, 2011

You want to know what room those little girls are in???

Busy day, lots of travelers bustling in and out, a mother and her two little 9ish year old daughters check in to the hotel. They finish up and leave to go around the corner to the elevators. About a minute or two later a man comes up to the desk with his bags, etc.

Me:    Hi there, checking in?
Man:  No. Can you tell me what room those little girls just went to?
Me:    Excuse me sir?
Man:  Those little girls (he points towards the elevators) I need to know what room they went to?
Me:    I can't just tell you what room those "little girls" went to, sir. You can probably understand,right?"
Man:  I'm with them.
Me:    (I stare quizzically at him, wondering why they would have gone up and not told him where to  go)
          You'rrrrre with them???
Man:   (Holds up a small formal gown on a hanger and stares at me like, Yah,now what!?)
Me:    Sir, that could mean annnnything now-a-days. Do you have an ID on you and I can look that up."
Man:  (In a huff, rolls his eyes, gets out his ID and gives it me)
Me:    (I search the system for any reservations that day with that last name...nothing comes up)
          Sir, I don't have ANYone under that name, not even just that last name.
Man:  Oh, well it's not under my name, it's under (gives last name).
Me:   (Why the HELL did he give me an ID then?) Well, sir, I can't really give any information about any reservation that you are not on. Especially about "those little girls". I'm sure you understand, right? For guest security reasons.
Man:  (Gives out a huff)  You know what, NEVERMIND, they just texted me with the room number anyway.
Me:   Well, that's great!  And thank you SO much for understanding....

W T F!!!!!!!!