Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Guy comes up and asks how to use his phone.  Um, what? Starts to hand over his open cell phone to us and says, "I don't know how to use this and I need to call somebody."  We ask who he needs to call and that we'll dial it for him. He says it's in the phone but doesn't know how to get to it.  So we bring up his contact list and hand it to him.  He says oh can you come here and show me how you did that and how do I get to the contact I need?   Ok, doesn't sound like that big of a deal but, let's add this to the mix, the F*&K*NG paramedics, ambulance etc are there helping someone that was in need and he stops us in the middle of this ultimate chaos to show him how to use his cell phone.   Why customer service sucks, because people are becoming selfish entitled idiots.

(how'd he get the numbers in the phone to begin with???)