Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Business Center

All hotel chains offer an area where one can use an on site computer and printer.  They are usually in the lobby and are of a desktop type nature.  Here's one of the latest incidents relating to the Business Center. More to come later, but I am tired and worn out from dealing with morons.

Call comes in from an outside line:

Me:         Hello, thank you for calling (name) this is (name) speaking, how may I help you
Woman:  Yah, you all gots a business center in there?
Me:         Yes maam we do! :)
Woman:  How much it cost to print something out?
Me:         Well, um, uh, ma'am, are you a guest?
Woman:   (pause...........) Uh, yah, I'm a guest.
Me:         Well then it's free! :)
Woman:   Oh, for real? How late you workin'?
Me:         (now suspicious, I ask) How late am I working? Um, what room are you staying in ma'am?
Woman:   Oh, well, I'm not there yet, I'm staying tomorrow.
Me:          What was the last name on the reservation?
Woman:    (Gives last name)
Me:         I'm not seeing anything in the system under that name.
Woman:   Oh, um, well, my Mom made the reservation so that's why my name ain't comin up.
Me:         Oh, ok, ma'am, what was your mother's last name.
Woman:  (Slurringly gives some last name like Meeehayahmayennna  blah blah...)
Me:         I'm not seeing anything remotely close to that checking in tomorrow.
Woman:   Hey, look, you got a business center or not!?!?
Me:         Yes, ma'am, but it is for guests to use.
Woman:  Whatch-you mean it's just for guests, it says on your company's website that it's free.
Me:       Yes, free for guests.
Woman:  (Humph...CLICK! Hangs up on me.)