Sunday, June 26, 2011

Complimentary Coffee...for those who can read.

Just as most hotels offer a business center today, most hotels also offer complimentary coffees and hot water to make tea, etc.  The ones at the hotel slightly resemble those seen in this picture.  Each urn clearly marked with what is contained therein.  They also have a gauge type device, sort of like the ones in the picture that allows people to see how much is left in each coffee urn.  And now we get to the point...

The complimentary coffee is usually located a bit away from the front desk and the gauges are not visible unless at a closer distance.  Enter the fluent, English as a FIRST language, adult guest.  They get a cup and stand there and stare at the urns. They stare and they stare and they stare some more.  We think they are trying to make the oh so difficult decision between the ennnormous choices  that we have (joke, we have 3 urns), so we let them be.  Then they turn towards the front desk and ask, "You all got any hot water?"  My co-worker looks up quizzically and asks, "Oh, I'm so sorry is it empty? I will go make some more immediately," and goes over to help.

As my co-worker approaches the urn marked in big fat capital letters "HOT WATER", she sees that the gauge says it is completely full.  So, now even more confused, she takes a cup to make sure that the urn is not broken and fills the cup with hot water.....  The guest then goes, "Oh, is that the hot water?"  My co-worker politely responds, "Yes, it is."  The guest then proceeds to make their tea.

COME ON!!!!! W T F F?!?! Are people just getting f$#%ing lazier and lazier? Do they just need constant attention from others or what?  Really, you planned and booked a trip out of town, used a source of air travel, found transportation to the hotel, filled out the credit card application for the credit card you used to reserve and pay for this room, and now you can't figure out which one is the HOT WATER? How can you figure out which restroom to use in public places if you can't find the HOT WATER?!?!?!?!? Please, PLEASE, start thinking for yourselves and stop asking such stupid questions.  Please?

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